Meet The Owner

Meet The Owner




Hello Beautiful

Welcome to the For His Glory Blog! This blog post is just the beginning of my story and how I decided to open my boutique. 

My name is Evyona Rickenbach, and I am the owner and founder of For His Glory Boutique, and this is my story.

Growing up I loved dolls! I loved dressing them and doing their hair as most little girls do. I grew up in a single-parent household and I won't go into the detail just yet, but as you can assume I didn't grow up having a ton of money. but I had expensive taste in dolls as I was obsessed with American Girl dolls. Well, we all know how expensive their clothing and accessories can be, so I wanted to learn to make my own. When I was about 8 or 9 my grandma started to teach me how to sew. I would take my old clothes or any material I could get my hands on and sew clothes together. Then when I was 12 my godmother bought me my first sewing machine. It became my biggest hobby besides collecting dolls. I made everything from furniture, hair accessories, and kid's and women's clothing, anything I didn't have I'd figure out how to make it.

 As I got older I grew in my relationship with God and fell in love with dressing modestly. God had begun to reveal to me just how valuable I was to him and I wanted nothing more than to honor him with my mind,  body,  and soul. Unfortunately, I had just one problem,  finding cute modest clothing in the early 2000s was not exactly popular, and if you did find a company it was more than we could afford. As I came into my teen years I realized God had placed a burden on my heart by showing girls that it was cool to want to dress modestly and that I did not have to give in to the peer pressure I felt. He showed me how I could use my talents and creativity to encourage those around me to be true to who they are and what they believe. I wanted to look good and be on-trend without having to compromise the integrity of what I believed was my way of honoring God.

 There is so much more to this story which we will dive into in another blog post, but as my teen years went on I went through so many experiences that would challenge everything that I believed and stood for. Fast forward to about 15,  I was cyber schooled at the time and I remember the Lord giving me the name For His Glory,  it was the object of a lesson that I had learned through the course of my life and would,  and,  am continuing to learn. I had accepted that everything I am and everything I was created to be, every challenge I had ever been through was made to shape and mold me for his glory. That every tear I had ever cried would someday be able to help someone.

 When it came time to choose what I wanted to do career-wise I knew I wanted to open a clothing store but I did not know the first thing about business or the serious process of creating clothing. So I decided to intern at a bridal shop my senior year and see just how a small business was run.  It was one of the best decisions I ever made,  I also started dating my husband that year. Then I decided to go to college for fashion design. As someone who grew up in a very conservative household that was a big decision because I had family and friends concerned about whether it would change me. It did but only for the better,  stepping into a world where so many people were outside of my little bubble was so good for me! So here we are I just graduated from college in December of 2021, and I am now 21 turning 22 in a few months.  I am finally taking the steps to make the vision God had placed in my heart come true. 

 I hope and pray that this blog and my brand become a place for you to find love and encouragement and that you'll be able to find comfort and relatability to some of the things I have been through. I did not want to be just another clothing company or influencer. I want to be a friend and a sister to anyone who needs a positive influence in their life, and my goal is to be realistic, and vulnerable in a world that has made most of us feel like we have to be perfect to be worth loving.


Love Always,


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